25 October 2021

Back In The Saddle Again

A while ago I arranged with Jeremy to go out on another Beer Guide London research trip, a chance to catch up, be sociable and drink lots of sparkling mineral water. In reality it was this date on my calendar that sowed the initial seed that led to my eventual decision to start drinking again. It was now going to be a “proper” research trip! […]

21 October 2021

Right. Where Was I…?

This was always scheduled to be the next beer that I drank at home. I wasn’t quite anticipating the gap between this and the previous one! It’s a good beer, not amazing, but a good solid part of the Westmalle range, with the added bonus that the lower ABV means it is a great way of easing myself back in! Another bonus came in the […]

21 October 2021


So I’ve done what they ask. I have gone six months without any alcohol. At all. Physically I feel no different but mentally is a different story, as I talked about last month. I don’t crave alcohol, I’ve always been able to take it or leave it. What I crave is the ability to choose whether to take it or leave it. Following sight of […]

6 September 2021

Not In A Good Place Right Now…

So today was my latest outpatients appointment to discuss the findings of my liver biopsy. And the upshot is that they still have no idea what is going on. Apparently the biopsy didn’t show what they expected based on the other tests. So it is going to be discussed in a Regional MDT meeting, and I have to wait. Wait for another two to three […]

17 August 2021

Mad As A Hatter

After a couple of days at home recovering I made the short trip up the M1 to Luton and their Big Trunk Trail, my last Trail of the holiday. 30 Elephants sited across the town and in parks to the north and south. To minimise walking I decided to park up at the southerly parks and get the Elephants there before heading in to town, […]

16 August 2021

Haring Along The Coast

It’s quite a long drag south through East Anglia from Norwich to the Essex coast but that is the journey we made to take in the next Trail, Hares About Town in Southend. This was another new Trail town for me, and the objective was to see the thirty hares that ran along the coast and up through the town. I figured that parking out […]

16 August 2021

“Jurassic Park!”

If you read that title to yourself in an Alan Partridge voice then you are well on your way to knowing that my next destination was Norwich, and it’s GoGoDiscover trail, the third to be held in the city and this time featuring 21 T Rexes. This is part one of a trail that is destined to continue next year, and is being held at […]

12 August 2021

Mooving On

After a day at home it was time to start on the next series of trails. First stop was Cambridge for Cows About Cambridge. Officially 41 Cows together with the usual mini statues, but there are 3 more full size Cows that have been decorated as part of community projects so I decided to include these and look for 44. Cambridge city centre is quite […]

11 August 2021

You’ve Got Some Sauce…

A leisurely drive south west brings me to another city where I have never done a trail, although they have held one previously, Worcester and Worcester’s Big Parade, 31 Elephants around the city. I say 31 as that is what is listed on the website and app, but it turned out to be 30 Elephant sculptures and 1 art installation highlighting mental health issues, or […]