21 June 2021

Testing the (sparkling) water.

So it’s been just under two months since I was told to stop drinking alcohol. Two months where the weeks have been spent at work and the weekends have been spent moping at home feeling sorry for myself. At least in recent weeks I have been able to watch on enviously as Jezza starts to ramp up efforts to clear the backlog of potential London […]

19 June 2021

We need to talk about the Elephant, and Bear, in the room.

Anybody that has met me whilst I am out and about will know that I am usually accompanied by my two travelling companions. Humphrey, the elephant, and Hugo, the bear. Yes, I know I am 53! It is thanks to them that I discovered the world of small cuddly creatures on Twitter, leading on to the fact that an awful lot of them love beer […]

15 June 2021

It’s all a matter of timing…

I think I can say, without contradiction, that it has been an ‘interesting’ 18 months for everybody, everywhere. As things stand the light at the end of the tunnel is still flickering, but gradually getting brighter. As the dates loomed for the gradual re-opening of hospitality, and in particular pubs and bars, grew closer the anticipation started to build. After all there was an ever […]

13 June 2021


OK, so this is a bit of a cheat but I’ll start all of this by repeating my first ever Blog post. It serves as an introduction to those of you that don’t know me. My apologies to those of you that may have read it before. ~ / ~ “Why? Such a small word, such a big question. Why start a blog? I guess […]