A City Ramble
After leaving the hotel we headed to the area around the Botanical Gardens to pick up the four remaining bears before we set off south for our next trail. In around an hour we were arriving in Derby, home of the Derby Ram Trail. Derby is a city I am familiar with, having done numerous enjoyable pub crawls, but it was the first time I had done an art trail here.
With a new city it is always a step in to the unknown as to how the trail will work. In Derby’s case I needn’t have worried as they served up a pretty much perfect trail. There was a fairly logical sequence to follow starting and ending at the museum. The city is compact and, for the first time this week, flat. Another first for this week was that all 30 Rams were out on display, although I was confused that the app showed 31 to collect. This was cleared up by a helpful chap at the museum who explained that all of the miniature Rams around the city were counted as the 31st. I don’t bother with the miniatures so I was happy that I hadn’t missed any.
The whole trail took me less than three hours, but I do accept that I tend to adopt quite a quick pace to ensure that I complete a trail on the day that I have available in the particular city. For most people it would provide a leisurely half days activity and take them to all parts of the central area, and you really can’t ask for anything else from one of these art trails.