Category: Scooping

11 May 2022

Beer Guide London Visits 13 – Twickenham

So after the trip to Prague, I’ll tell you about it soon, I promise, I decided to stick to a quick local visit. I took the 490 bus from the Cargo Centre at Heathrow and jumped off in Twickenham. From the centre it is a 10 minute stroll in the direction of Strawberry Hill to the recently opened riverside brewery and taproom of Jawbone Brewing. […]

22 April 2022

Beer Guide London Visits 12 – West London

After my birthday excursion I decided to have a quieter day and visit some of my more local Guide entries. The previous day must have been good because I started this outing by making the amateur mistake of not double checking opening times. Thus I found myself at 13:00 outside a bar that didn’t open until 16:00. Oops. I suppose I could have just waited […]

7 April 2022

Beer Guide London Visits 11 – Weekday Openers

One of the more annoying aspects of visiting the Guide entries is the fact that a number of them only open during the week, understandably as the areas they tend to be in have very little, or no, residential presence. For those of us who also work Monday to Friday it makes visiting a bit trickier. However, this year, my birthday fell on a Friday […]

20 February 2022

Beer Guide London Visits 8 – Richmond

Despite choosing to avoid going out in order to ensure my Ukraine trip went ahead I couldn’t avoid having to to and get some last minute bits and pieces, so I figured it would be rude not to pop in to a couple of local bars too. I began in Richmond, starting at Richmond Tap Tavern. Despite it’s central location in the town it is […]

8 February 2022

Kyiv Bars

When researching the bars to visit in Kyiv I decided to stick with those that had ‘Verified Venue’ status within the Untappd app. The thinking behind this was that I would be able to see in advance what beers were available and, more importantly, be able to point at the beer I wanted on my phone screen should the language barrier prove to great. In […]

31 January 2022

Where’s The Chicken? II

So I didn’t get much sleep, my leg really hurt and I wasn’t able to get comfortable at all. I guess there is a lesson to be learned here, but I doubt I’ll learn it. Anyway, the first task for today was to locate a craft supplies shop in order to procure a gift for Mrs MusingAnorak so I spent a bit of time on […]

25 January 2022

Where’s The Chicken?

So a lifetime ago (last September) I started looking at a possible city break destination. Initial thoughts centred around Poland but then I read somewhere that UK nationals didn’t require a visa to visit Ukraine until the end of January 2022 and that immediately made Kyiv the destination of choice. Flights and hotel were booked. But. It was still a wait of four months. And […]

28 December 2021

This Is Crewe. All Change.

I grew up in Crewe but was never really a drinker whilst there. Even when I went to university I only drank Newcastle Brown or John Smiths. As a result I had no concept of how good or bad the pubs were in my home town, they were just pubs. Only when I was introduced to the world of Real Ale in my mid twenties […]