So it is now just over two weeks since the announcement that I was to become the chief custodian of Beer Guide London, and what a two weeks! The enormity of the task is still really sinking in, but I think I am gradually getting my head around it.
I spent the first week trying to understand all of the aspects involved as, although I had a fair idea, there were some things I hadn’t had to do. I also spent a lot of time pulling together some new spreadsheets to try and keep track of everything. The final task I did was to pull together a Google Map so that people can see where everything is, and it really emphasises just what a wide area is covered, and highlights the areas which are under represented.
The biggest thing was getting back out visiting bars, something I hadn’t done for some time. For a few months I had lost my “mojo” and barely left the house at weekends but taking on the new role has injected a purpose again. I’m incredibly proud of the Guide and my small part in it to date, plus I am in awe of the effort that Jezza has put in to it and I don’t want to let this valuable resource wither away.
I had already been to the vast majority of entries over the last few years but, me being me, I decided that I would reset the counter and set about visiting them all again. So far I have managed 4 days out and have knocked off 41 of the 287, a touch over 14% – yes, that is one of things that my spreadsheets tell me! I have added my first new Guide entry, something I hadn’t done before, and sadly had to remove one. I’m also spending more time keeping abreast of London beer news and have added three new potential locations to the to-do list.
I have managed to get myself in to a routine as I arrive at each venue and the one of the best things I managed to maintain so far is to write the relevant part of each days blog post whilst in the venue which means there is minimal work to do to tidy it up when I get home and have, so far, got each post out the same day.
The more I do the more I appreciate just how much Jezza achieved, all the more reason to keep it going. I also need to thank everybody who has given me words of encouragement, those who have passed on information and those who run some of the other Guides to the London beer scene who have been in touch. London is big enough to handle multiple Guides with multiple points of view, and indeed deserves it, and one of the great aspects of that scene is the friendliness and camaraderie. THANK YOU ALL!
We keep going, let’s see where the journey takes us all…
Well done on the last couple of weeks. I’m glad you are giving some idea of price as I think it is something many of us take into consideration when choosing bars to visit. The reality is that price and quality of experience don’t always go hand in hand. Some places do seem to think they can get away with it sometimes. Maybe try and include a photo of the board showing prices if one’s up and you don’t want to keep realising how much you are spending, though I’m sure there must be a friendly accountant who could come up with a way of making your drinks tax deductable given you are making something out of them!